Saturday, January 13, 2018

Sapphire RX580 Nitro+ ETH Mining @31mh

 Sapphire RX580 Nitro+ ETH Mining @31mh

1. Mod RX580 BIOS rom to v1.rom
(Using ATIFLASH, Original Driver)

2. Uninstall Any Old Driver using DDU
3. Update ATI Driver to mining version
4.  Create clay.bay
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal ETHEREUM_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal SIA_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -dcoin sia -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1200 -mclock 2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850 -dcri 18

1 of 6 gpu hang frequently
1 of 6 gpu keep frequently hang after run for 30 minutes which required restart by watchdog, so I underclock by decreast mclock to 2100 

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal ETHEREUM_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal SIA_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -dcoin sia -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1200 -mclock 2250,2100,2250,2250,2250,2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850 -dcri 18

6 cards run below 900w (around 820w)

Update 20180203
It is quite unstable using the setting, so I downgrade all cclock to 1100, it decrease the Mining rate to 30mhs, but it is much more stable than max speed and I mine continuously for over 10 days.

EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal ETHEREUM_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal SIA_WALLET.WORKER_NAME -dcoin sia -tstop 85 -tt 65 -fanmin 75 -fanmax 100 -cclock 1100 -mclock 2250,2100,2250,2250,2250,2250 -cvddc 850 -mvddc 850 -dcri 18

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